Rideshare Programs
Rideshare programs provide sensible alternatives for the daily commute. The program offers a database to place commuters in a carpool or vanpool program, information about park and ride lots, as well as how employers or employees can start a vanpool program of their own.
Carpooling consists of two or more people sharing the ride. It is a cost-effective means of reaching your daily destination saving you hundreds of dollars a year in reduced fuel consumption and maintenance costs.
Vanpooling is a group of 8 to 15 people riding together on their daily commute in a van, either provided by their employer or by some other means. There is usually a fee for riders to cover the cost of gas.
Park and Ride Lots
Areas where people can park their cars to share the rest of their commute, either by vanpool, carpool or public transportation. We provide information on current, and potential, park and ride lots in your commuting area.
Commuter Choice Program
Commuter Choice, promoted by the Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Transportation, is a tax-free incentive for employees and employers to utilize public transportation, carpooling, and vanpooling programs. The Commuter Choice program offers different options including tax-benefits up to $105 a month and transit vouchers. In areas where vouchers are not available, you may be reimbursed for your cost of commuting by vanpool. For details or an information packet, call the Transportation Hotline, 1-800-342-5557, or visit the Commuter Choice web site
Employer Vanpooling Benefits
- Tax-free employee benefits
- Reduced federal payroll taxes
- Increased productivity among employees
- Expanded employee base
- Employee retention
- Improved parking conditions
- Help protect the environment
Starting a Vanpool or Carpool
Employers interested in starting a vanpool program may request a vanpool information video or schedule a vanpool presentation from a Commuter Assistance representative. Employees wanting to form a carpool, vanpool, or any other rideshare program may call the Transportation Hotline at 1-800-342-5557. The information submitted is used to create a list of commuters who have compatible transportation needs. The information submitted is strictly confidential and you are in no way obligated to participate in a ridesharing agreement by receipt of a match list.
Walking and Cycling
Remember, walking and cycling are great exercise. Not all trips lend themselves to cycling and walking, but if cycling to work isn’t practical, perhaps walking to the post office or corner store is. Your trip to work might just replace your workout! For more information: www.commutesolutions.com